Title Reign Arc – Kazuchika Okada’s IWGP Heavyweight Title Reign (2016-18) Part Six

The Title Reign Arc is an ongoing series I originally planned on doing infrequently but have quickly grown to enjoy; these articles are where I shall take a classic wrestling title reign and examine it in-depth to see if it measures up to the nostalgic memories the audience may possess. This will often mean rewatching … Continue reading Title Reign Arc – Kazuchika Okada’s IWGP Heavyweight Title Reign (2016-18) Part Six

Title Reign Arc – Kazuchika Okada’s IWGP Heavyweight Title Reign (2016-18) Part Five

The Title Reign Arc is an ongoing series I originally planned on doing infrequently but have quickly grown to enjoy; these articles are where I shall take a classic wrestling title reign and examine it in-depth to see if it measures up to the nostalgic memories the audience may possess. This will often mean rewatching … Continue reading Title Reign Arc – Kazuchika Okada’s IWGP Heavyweight Title Reign (2016-18) Part Five

In Celebration Of One Hundred Articles

With the publishing of ninety-nine articles to Rasslin Blogs that I have either written solo or worked alongside another colleague, I wanted my hundredth article to have something a little bit different to it. In what might in retrospect be seen as slightly self-indulgent (I’ll take that risk), I decided to take this opportunity to … Continue reading In Celebration Of One Hundred Articles

Title Reign Arc – Kazuchika Okada’s IWGP Heavyweight Title Reign (2016-18) Part Four

The Title Reign Arc is an ongoing series I originally planned on doing infrequently but have quickly grown to enjoy; these articles are where I shall take a classic wrestling title reign and examine it in-depth to see if it measures up to the nostalgic memories the audience may possess. This will often mean rewatching … Continue reading Title Reign Arc – Kazuchika Okada’s IWGP Heavyweight Title Reign (2016-18) Part Four