Reach Wrestling: 365 Days Later (7th July 2019) Review

“In THE BEGINNING, they came together, and set a tone. They ignited a fire and unleashed a fury within the South West. Then that fury grew, became a passion, a call for an Army to follow, as they bared witness to that of the SECOND COMING. And as that Army set on their way, the glory of two excellent … Continue reading Reach Wrestling: 365 Days Later (7th July 2019) Review

Reach: Invasion (8th June 2019)

Reach Wrestling made its way to Bodmin Jail, Cornwall, in their first event held outside of their home base of Plymouth, Devon. As a special event, I travelled to Bodmin with two colleagues of mine, Gary Daw and Taylor Johnson, all representatives of Rasslin Blogs. The setup of Bodmin Jail is quite fascinating, you walk … Continue reading Reach: Invasion (8th June 2019)

Reach Wrestling: Final Four Review (5th May 2019)

“In THE BEGINNING, they set a tone. They ignited a fury within the South West. Then that fury became a passion, a call for an Army to follow the SECOND COMING. And as that Army set on their way, there was great rejoicing as they witnessed ACT 3. The fury, the passion, and the rejoicing would lead to … Continue reading Reach Wrestling: Final Four Review (5th May 2019)

Reach Wrestling: Final Four Preview (5th May 2019)

“In THE BEGINNING, they set a tone. They ignited a fury within the South West. Then that fury became a passion, a call for an Army to follow the SECOND COMING. And as that Army set on their way, there was great rejoicing as they witnessed ACT 3. The fury, the passion, and the rejoicing … Continue reading Reach Wrestling: Final Four Preview (5th May 2019)