NXT UK Episode 14 (05/12/18) Review

NXT UK has become the go-to show, the one with tremendous consistency and a growing audience of fans. Whilst it sometimes possesses the same issues as the original NXT, a lot of squash/filler matches, it also has some of the best wrestlers in the company appearing regularly in excellent matches. This event was actually the same event I was lucky enough to watch live in Plymouth, and my gracious colleague Craig has modestly stepped aside to allow me a tremendous opportunity. Because of this, in the previous review you may have noticed a focus on how the live experience compared to the TV show. Below at points will be the thoughts of my colleague Scott of each match/moment. We kick off with an announcement of Travis Banks facing Wolfgang tonight in the main event, as well as Rhea Ripley’s first title defence as NXT UK Women’s Champion.

Joseph Connors Vs Dan Moloney

This is actually the match that over the NXT UK weekend, I saw the least of, including missing the finish, so this is akin to a completely new match for myself. There is a guy in an orange shirt that gets a high five from Dan Moloney as he enters, and I’ve actually seen him at several local Plymouth events, a big fan called Brogan, so a little shout out here to a huge local Plymouth fan. (Interesting sidenote, he once mistook my Rasslin Blogs shirt as the new John Cena shirt, and the look of relief on his face when he realised still makes me smile!)

Collar tie-up, and Connors does the crazy look as he backs off. Moloney with the hiptoss, but Connors retaliates with a wrist lock, only for Moloney to shove him away. Right hand from Connors, but Moloney starts punching back, and he knocks Connors down. Irish whip to the corner by Moloney and he back body drops Connors, scrap in the corner, but then Connors grabs Moloney’s ear, discombobulating him. Moloney shakes it off, but Connors plants his feet on Moloney’s chest and stamps him down to the floor. Moloney on the apron, Connors drags Moloney across the turnbuckle through the middle rope, with a modified chinlock through the ropes. Clubbing forearms on Moloney’s back as Connors comes back in, with a short-arm clothesline for one on Moloney. Connors locks in a neck wrench on Moloney, but a chant builds up and Moloney battles back, but Connors cuts him down, with a slight bow and arrow. Moloney throws a punch, but Connors drives him into the corner.

A few punches from Connors, but again Moloney attempts to battle back, ducks the punch, knocks Connors down twice, and a Spinebuster, but Moloney takes too long checking his ear, and only gets a two-count. Connors reverses an Irish Whip into the corner, then hits a Sunset Flip Powerbomb that sends Moloney’s head into the turnbuckle! Connors hits his finisher Don’t Look Down, and that’s the three count.

Winners Via Pinfall – Joseph Connors

Well, that was mostly a match that happened. Apart from attacking the ear and the Sunset Flip Powerbomb, I found this match underwhelming and bland. It did the job, making Connors look good, but nothing really worth remembering. I remember this was quite early in the night at the tapings, so the crowd still had a lot of energy at the time.

Scott’s Thoughts: A fair performance from Dan Maloney and he managed to get the crowd behind him. Connors further shows his vicious streak.

Backstage Happenings

Isla Dawn is backstage for an interview, where she proclaims that everything she is comes from a place of good, truth, and honesty (I think Superman used to proclaim something similar?), a place of spirit, the qualities she requires to make her way to the NXT UK Women’s Title, which suddenly brings Rhea Ripley over. “Last week, I said suitable competition, not competition”, and Rhea reveals she has already picked an opponent for tonight, instructing Isla to watch closely. Rhea is like an interesting version of Shayna Baszler for me, not too generic as a bully but with the right arrogance, whilst I feel Dawn would work better with less dialogue, leave more sense of a mystery to her maybe?

Scott’s Thoughts: Looks like Isla Dawn is being set up as the first challenger for Ripley’s Women’s Title.

Earlier today, Moustache Mountain arrived at the arena to be met by Gallus, who mention Pete Dunne isn’t there and go to attack, but are interrupted by security, Assistant General Manager Sid Scala and the Grandad of NXT UK, General Manager Johnny Saint, who tells them all to disperse. Never saw this clip at the live event, but it does make more sense now in context to the tapings, I admit.

‘Wild Boar’ Mike Hitchman Vs ‘The Bomber’ Dave Mastiff

Interesting sidenote, this match occurred an hour and a half into the tapings event, and people were still arriving, possibly due to confusion with the starting times (I myself arrived at 6pm when the show started, thinking that was when the doors opened). Hitchman looks relatively crazy and disconcerting, until suddenly the terrifying Mastiff walks out, at the time I described it as like Bull Dempsey coming out, only to then face Braun Strowman, it trivialises the smaller danger man in comparison. Hitchman, to be fair to him, doesn’t care about the size difference, and goes straight for the lock-up with Mastiff. Stand-off between the two, and Hitchman throws forearms against a surprised Mastiff, who retaliates with a big chest bump to knock Hitchman down, who looks dazed. Mastiff uses elbows to batter Hitchman with, who looks out of it. Deadlift by Mastiff, but Hitchman battles back with elbows, drop toe holds Mastiff face first to the corner. Hitchman with the run and hits a senton, which leaves Mastiff hurting!

Hitchman senses blood and starts clubbing Mastiff, attempting an arm bar to take Mastiff down, including a fishhook to the mouth, but Mastiff battles back, until clubbing elbows knock him down. Crowd cheers for Mastiff, who throws elbows in Hitchman’s face, forearms, and Hitchman is staggering. Huge headbutt by Mastiff to knock Hitchman down, and a senton on a splattered Hitchman! Lift up into Fireman’s Carry, but Hitchman clambers down the back, and hits shoulder blocks to know Mastiff into corner. Running Spear into Mastiff’s stomach, and a Cannonball attempt lands on Mastiff’s large feet, propelling Hitchman away. Mastiff with a running John Woo dropkick to send Hitchman into the corner, and the crowd are chanting for Mastiff! Massive Cannonball by Mastiff, and it’s all over.

Winner by Pinfall – ‘The Bomber’ Dave Mastiff

Whilst the crowd were much louder live in support for Mastiff, the match translated much better on screen, with Hitchman demonstrating a surprising tenacity. The back-and-forth battle was much more believable than expected, but Mastiff has looked fantastic from day one and he’s generating great momentum. Whereas usually squash matches do nothing for me, something about ‘The Bomber’ is impossible to not enjoy. Afterwards, Mastiff puts over Mike Hitchman and declares his intent to go straight to the top, but unbeknownst to Mastiff, behind him stands a creepy looking Eddie Dennis. A million times yes for this match, please.

Scott’s Thoughts: I like where Mastiff is going, transitioning from smaller jobbers onto bigger guys. Him and ‘Wild Boar’ looked shocked when the other was on offence as they were used to dominating. Nice bit of foreshadowing of a match between Mastiff and Eddie Dennis.

Tyson T-Bone Vs El Ligero

Brogan got another high five, this time from Tyson, another little shout out. El Ligero got a big reaction when he came out, his reaction as a tremendous work horse who proudly wrestles over 300 matches every year. Ligero has a Finn Balor definition with fluid agility, Ligero trying to use his speed but Tyson catches him with an arm lock, only for Ligero to hit a headstand and kick to escape. Headlock by Ligero, thrown into corner, runs up turnbuckle, drops down and underneath Tyson’s legs, but Tyson elevates him onto the apron, only for Ligero to hit an enziguri from the outside. Before Ligero can jump back in, Tyson knocks him off the apron with a forearm. Few boos as Ligero sells on the outside, and Tyson follows out. Tyson punches and boots Ligero against the steps, rolling Ligero back in the ring. Ligero throws some elbows but gets caught and Tyson hits a fall-away slam with some good elevation for a two-count. Rear chinlock on Ligero and a neckwrench, basically a resthold in a short match, Ligero trying a few kicks, and he sneaks out of the ring, spear to the stomach, rolls over Tyson’s back into the ring.

Few kicks, enziguri, and Ligero with a single leg dropkick, forearm in the corner, and Sliced Bread for one, two-kick out at three. Ligero gets up top, jumps and rolls through, Tyson gets a lovely Exploder Suplex into the corner. Ligero in the corner, Tyson runs in with two hard knees and face wash in the corner, gets a two-count off the knee. Misses Knockout Punch as Ligero rolls away and Tyson hits the turnbuckle with a spear, and Ligero with a overhead senton to the outside wipes Tyson out. Rolls Tyson in, Springboard Splash ala Rey Mysterio Jr and it’s a three count for Ligero?

Winner by Pinfall – El Ligero.

Apart from a bit of a lacklustre ending, these two had some surprisingly good chemistry, with Tyson looking strong and hard hitting, whilst Ligero battled back against the odds, using his speed to his advantage. Ligero was quite popular with the crowd on the night and has potential to be a popular inclusion on the NXT UK brand, but I don’t think he’ll be a main eventer just yet.

Scott’s Thoughts: Clash of styles with the high flying of Ligero and the power and brawling of T-Bone. Finish was a bit odd with Ligero winning with a random splash.

NXT UK Women’s Title:

Rhea Ripley defends against Candy Floss

Rhea Ripley was hugely over when she came out, getting a small chant going and I remember the reaction being very positive. After a promo about offering opportunities, and announcing she had handpicked someone for an opportunity, Ripley introduced 18 year old Candy Floss, who got a really good reaction from the crowd, to my surprise. Candy and Ripley have a handshake, as Ripley looks cocky around the ring. Collar tie-up, and Ripley’s strength is very obvious, before locking in a wrist lock, grappling Candy to the mat, twisting her fingers with a knee in Candy’s face. Candy rolls out and locks in her own wrist lock, before being Irish Whipped and coming out with a huge dropkick, knocking Ripley down, with Ripley sat in shock as Candy Floss celebrates.

But looks like Candy has just annoyed a bitter giant, who comes in with a strong kick and follows up with a dropkick, getting a two count, and now Ripley is no longer playing around. She locks in a sleeper with a knee in Candy’s back, pulling her back, but Candy gets a good support, the crowd clapping for her, but Ripley throws her into the corner, hitting spears in the corner. Ripley picks up Candy Floss, Rip-Tide, and the crowd chants along for three. Ripley picks up Candy Floss, raises her arm, then clobbers her from behind, beating her up to large boos by the crowd.

Winner by Pinfall – Rhea Ripley.

I remember noticing when watching this match live that Ripley’s body language changed as soon as Candy Floss started to get on top, and the story of an arrogant Champion taking it easy with a weaker opponent is a classical but clever plan. Ripley comes across as a total bad***, a much more talented Shayna Baszler for me in the guise of a locker room bully.

Scott’s Thoughts: Riley doing the heel thing of picking an easy first opponent for her first title defence since becoming Champion. After that backstage segment, I was expecting Dawn to make the save when Ripley was beating up Candy Floss post-match.

Backstage Happenings

Earlier today, whilst doing some media work, ‘Flash’ Morgan Webster notices and reprimands Fabian Aichner for his actions last episode attacking Mark Andrews. Aichner, in a great heel move, takes a big gulp from his drink, then tells Webster if he has a problem, how about a match next week? Aichner walks off, whilst Webster is asked by the journalists about the challenge, with a match card of Fabian Aichner versus ‘Flash’ Morgan Webster.

Assistant General Manager Sid Scala, with General Manager Johnny Saint by his side, announces that next week it will be Trent Seven versus Joe Coffey, and there will also be an announcement about the NXT UK Tag Team Championships.

Scott’s Thoughts: Can’t wait to see Aichner versus Webster next week. I expect the Tag Titles and some of the teams who will be challenging for them next week.

Wolfgang (with Joe and Mark Coffey) Vs Travis Banks

Wolfgang comes out with the Coffey brothers alongside him, pacing the ring as Travis Banks enters, his Kiwi flag around his shoulders and face, showing no fear. His right shoulder is still strapped up, as Nigel McGuinness and Vic Joseph on commentary mention the loss of momentum Banks suffered due to the injury. Wolfgang starts off my mocking Banks injury, and whilst attempting a mocking wolf call, Banks hits him with the forearm! Forearms and kicks to send Banks into the corner, as applause and chants of “Kiwi Buzzsaw” around the arena, but in a brief second Wolfgang catches Banks unaware and throws that right shoulder into the turnbuckle, causing more injury as Banks rolls out. Mark distracts Banks as Wolfgang grabs him from behind and throws Banks into the steel steps. One count for Wolfgang after rolling Banks back in, and he sinks in the shoulder claw, with Banks battling back to support from the crowd. Forearms from Wolfgang, hard kicks from Banks, Wolfgang throws Banks into the corner but he slides underneath and a John Woo dropkick to send Wolfgang into the corner.

Wolfgang rolls out, but Banks with a Coup De Grace to a standing Wolfgang, rolls him back in and Banks climbs over the ropes, another double stomp to Wolfgang’s back and a two-count only. Before Banks can continue, Mark Coffey jumps up on the apron, and the distraction allows Wolfgang to hit a Big Boot. Wolfgang with a running elbow, and a hard spear for a nearfall. Banks is now down and struggling, but he jumps on the second rope and a Springboard Roundhouse Kick to knock Wolfgang down! But the Coffey Brothers jump up on the apron, the ref distracted, until Moustache Mountain run out and pull them off the apron! Banks with a tope to the outside, wipes out Gallus, but as he jumps back onto the apron, Wolfgang with the forearm. The referee is distracted with Gallus as Wolfgang attempts to suplex Banks back into the ring, but Seven pulls Wolfgang’s leg, Banks lands on top, and gets the three count! Banks rolls out to safety and stands with a supporting Moustache Mountain as Gallus fume inside the ring.

Winner Via Pinfall – Travis Banks

This was a solid match return for Banks, nothing special but it had a good reaction from my home crowd, Banks got some good reactions and support, the inclusion of Moustache Mountain garnered a huge reaction and the finish felt like deserved retribution for Banks. But this match, and the entire show, really, felt more like a teaser, a slight taster for next week, where you’ll see ‘Flash’ Morgan Webster attempt to garner some revenge for Mark Andrews when he takes on Fabian Aichner, and the main event, Trent Seven taking on Joe Coffey.

Scott’s Thoughts: Great to see Banks in an NXT UK ring for the first time since the Royal Albert Hall. The injured shoulder a target throughout the match. The numbers advantage which is usually used in favour of Gallus, was used against them as Moustache Mountain help Banks pick up the win.

This isn’t the sort of episode which you will go back to watch very often, if at all. But it does its job of setting the place mats down in preparation for the large meal. Seriously…do not miss next week. Inside info. I have been looking forward to next week’s episode since I watched it live.





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